Radiant Dental Arts World Class Dentistry

Nitrous Oxide In San Diego, CA

Laughing Gas

Nitrous oxide, sometimes known as “laughing gas,” is readily available in our office and is a wonderful technique to reduce anxiety during most dental procedures. Nitrous oxide, the mildest form of sedation we utilize, is administered through a mask that fits comfortably over your nose. Nitrous oxide is an odorless gas that is used in conjunction with pure oxygen during treatment to generate a sense of relaxation and well-being. Nitrous oxide frequently induces a pleasant state of euphoria, which can make mundane events appear more amusing. We can easily tailor the dose of sedation for each patient, and it takes effect in minutes.

There are numerous advantages to using Nitrous Oxide

You will not experience any short-term memory loss as a result of moderate drowsiness, as you might with other types of sedation. The drowsiness generated by the nitrous oxide diminishes nearly quickly after the end of treatment, and you will be able to return home with no long-term symptoms. If you merely use nitrous oxide for sedation, you don’t even require an escort to and from your appointment.


Come in for a consultation and find out all about the best cosmetic dentist in San Diego, CA. Let Dr. Avina help you own your smile.